Sunday, October 19, 2014

Chemo #2 and Fever scare

Sunday October 19, 2014

Thanks to my fabulous husband and my amazing brother and sister-in-law (TJ and Jodi), I got to catch up on some much-needed sleep this morning. My eyes opened at 10:45am! I can't remember the last time I slept so long, and I feel like a new person today! However, I realize that you're not reading this blog to hear about my sleep! :) So lets rewind to Friday.

Friday October 17 2014: chemo #2

It was an early morning as we had to be at Mayo for labs at 7am. So at 4:00, we heard that terrible alarm sound (it made me think of my NLXF friends who get up every day for a 5am in the world?).  Thankfully, Elliot woke in very good spirits and was ready for the day, more than I can say for Dan or myself. He remained awake the entire two-hour drive to Mayo. I'm not sure why, but at least he was happy. Upon arriving, we got to experience the lush, exotic-hotel-like, waiting area in the pediatric hematology-oncology clinic. For those who have been there, you understand. It is simply amazing! As we are waiting and watching Chicken Little on one of the TV's, Elliot hears his name over the sound system...Elliot Sundblad please. He perks up and looks at me with a proud expression and then repeats his full name. It was a priceless moment. Moments later, though, he laid eyes on the nurse who was awaiting us and immediately started crying. Suddenly, his entire demeanor changed, for he now knew why we were here...port access, labs, poking prodding, etc. Thankfully, everything went quite smoothly. Other than getting "Tubey's tail put on", and then removal of it at the end of the day, it was a pretty painless experience for Elliot. We had numerous appointments and all went quite well. By 1:00pm, we were on our way home again (after grabbing some Chipotle of course). When we got home, we swung by a friend's house to pick up Julia and spent the rest of the day as a family!

(Compliments of Jodi Sunderman...more below)

Saturday October 18: fever scare

We had a great morning relaxing with Uncle TJ, Aunti Jodi and cousin Arie. Elliot was so excited to have them here. A midst vigilant hand-washing and minimal contact with Elliot, it seemed to be a relatively normal Saturday morning, the way it used to be prior to Elliot's diagnosis. It was wonderful. Jodi took some beautiful family photos, something I wanted to get done prior to Elliot's hair loss (not that he won't be cute, but I really don't want to send out a Christmas card that will create pity or sadness).  

Shortly after pictures, Elliot and I snuggled up on the couch to watch a movie while everyone else continued playing outside. It was clear that Elliot had hit a wall and was in need of some down-time. Within minutes, he had fallen asleep, and I brought him to the bedroom. About two hours later, he awoke and felt quite warm to the touch. This immediately raised my anxiety. You see, with a chemo patient, a slight fever becomes an immediate emergency. With a fever of 100.4 or higher, we have to get him to the ER to receive antibiotics right away. Sure enough, he had a fever and off we went to the ER. Thankfully, Julia was able to stay home with her Aunt, Uncle and cousin. 

After putting Tubey's tail on again and drawing some blood, the doctor contacted Mayo and followed orders of antibiotic administration via Tubey. Because Elliot's blood counts came back normal, we were able to go back home rather than be admitted. We will return again tomorrow to receive another round of antibiotics and await the blood cultures that take 48 hours. If they come back showing bacteria, we will be admitted to the hospital for further treatment. With such great blood counts, this is unlikely.

Thanks again to all who have supported us. We're doing our best to take this journey one day at a time and are leaving the future to God. For those of you who pray, in addition to praying for comfort and healing for Elliot, please pray for Julia as she tries to adapt to this "sick brother thing". Clearly Elliot demands a TON of attention, and she's not sure what to think of it. We're doing our best to give her extra attention when we can, but it's tough. We are grateful to those who have given her some of their time and have taken her under their wing in some way, shape or form (her preschool teachers, Toni, Mr. Howard, Megan, TJ and Jodi, Adrienne, Lyndsey, Lori, and finally, our amazing parents/her grandparents). Your love for her does more for us than anything else you could do for us at this time. Knowing she is feeling loved and important relieves a great deal of stress from Dan and me. Thank you so much!


  1. Sending warm wishes from California. Elliot sounds like a real trooper. Love to your family,

  2. Praying for you and your precious family, Simone.


  3. I was chatting with your mom over the weekend and I was basically fighting tears talking about how STRONG you are. So inspired by your optimism and gratitude.

  4. Continuing to pray. What an amazing platform to share your faith. I am praying God uses this mightily in your marriage, family, co-workers and your friends. I will keep Julia in my prayers as well as strength for you both! Love ya! Allison

  5. Love these beautiful pictures and love all of you! My prayers are and will be with Elliot, and all of you through this journey!

  6. We are praying for Elliot and the family! The pictures are adorable!

  7. Sundblad Family: I only see you in passing at WCCP but Elliot is one of my son's (Teddy's) favorite friends in the Brown room. I saw this posting from one of my former Wartburg colleagues and I thought I would reach out. I will be prayer and so will Teddy for Elliot's health and strength during his treatments. Please reach out to us parents at WCCP in the Brown room if we can do virtual visits with Elliot or make him cards or treats. With technology I'm sure we can figure out how to interact with Facetime or Skype or some other type of technology so Elliot can keep in touch since the flu, colds and other winter time ailments preclude him from interacting with his Brown room friends. Again prayers for your little man. Kim and Teddy Mashek

  8. Simone,
    (I’m not sure if my first comment will post or not…had to log in after I tried posting it.)
    My heart breaks with yours in your first blog post. My little man is also 2…(and our husbands even have the same name & resemble!) I am praying for Elliot and your family. I have two friends who have gone through treatable cancer in their little boys, and both situations have resulted in riddance of the cancer…whatever you call that. (One little boy was born 2 weeks after I had Kolt, and they were even going to name him ‘Kolt,’ we were told..named him ‘Ryder’ instead.)

    Continue to trust in our Almighty God and Shine His Light to everyone you encounter on this journey. You are shining to all you meet and all who read your blog!

    Isaiah 26:3
    You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.

    Love you and your beautiful family!
    Kristin Lassen (Erickson)
