As of Monday, Dan's parents were here for the week. According to Joan, Dan's mom, Elliot was an "angel". For some reason, he rarely shows that side to us these days, but he seems to charm everyone else when mommy and daddy are away. From what I hear, that's pretty typical? :)
As far as today goes, we made it through chemo #3. Elliot was strong and brave, nothing less than normal for him. We had less tears today than last week, so we consider today to be a success. He's starting to understand the process a bit and is slightly less frightened when nurses and doctors walk in the room. Tubey was a champ, and Elliot still considers him a friend!
We are grateful for such a wonderful day together. We are also grateful for Toni and Jake Brown. This week and last week, Toni picked up Julia from preschool along with her daughter, who happens to be Julia's best friend, and played all afternoon with her. This a gift Toni will never truly understand. Knowing that Julia is happy and having fun provides a peace in our hearts all day long!
To add to our blessings, a couple of wonderful students of mine (Adrienne and Lyndsey) started a fundraiser for our family. They are selling "Team Elliot" bracelets. The wisdom and compassion of my students, across the board, never ceases to amaze me. I am grateful.
I clearly haven't mentioned all of the blessings that have come our way this week, but we are truly feeling the love. I told my dad earlier this week, "I feel like God is front-loading us with blessings in order to give us the drive and strength we need to get us through the next 6-9 months".
Thank you to everyone who has donated money to help with medical expenses, those who have brought meals, those who have spent time with Julia, those who have brought fire wood and encouraged my husband, those who have hugged us, those who have sent cards and gifts, those who have supported us in other ways financially and last but not least, those who have prayed without ceasing. THANK YOU! May blessings shower upon you all in ways you never expected.
Some pictures from toady at May of our strong little man...
Checking out the view
In between appointments...trying to fill the time!
Watching Frozen in the waiting room
Brave little man getting chemo...